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Charcoal Grilled to Perfection


Grilled To Perfection

The Foundation of our flavours, our compromise to delivering health conscious yet delicious food filled with umami.

Mesmerizing smoky, aromatic flavor, and the perfect balance of charred and tender textures.

Binchotan burns at higher temperatures as compared to traditional charcoal, imparting a subtle smoky aroma that enhances the natural flavors of our dishes.

Binchotan Ubame Oak


Inspiration No Limitations

Our Head Chef, Darren takes his inspiration from many different cuisines - Japanese, Malaysian, Chinese, Arabic - resulting in a unique fusion cuisine filled with umami tickling taste buds of locals.

Homemade All Natural

Our Homemade Sauces and Marinades uses Market Fresh Ingredients resulting in Guilt-Free Scrumptious Meals.

Vegan Friendly

Hand picked produce for Natural Sweetness.


Grilled to Perfection

Maillard Reaction to Caralmeilised Fat for added Umami.


Cheat Day

Dishes for Any Occasion. 



Our philosophy is rooted in responsible and sustainable use of nature's offerings. Our dishes reflect the freshness and purity that water bestows upon ingredients. From farm-fresh vegetables nurtured by raindrops to succulent meats nourished by natural springs.

Every Mocktail carries a story of water's journey from clouds to your cup.

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